Inspirational Bracelet - Adjustable Stretch


Strength, Courage, Believe, Breathe, Hope, Inspire, Live & Dream - Available in Black or Pink adjustable stretchy bracelet.  

Comfortable yet stylish this unique tie-n-go ATHLETE INSPIRED ยฎ original lightweight and comfortable INSPIRATIONAL Adjustable Stretch Bracelet is ideal to wear anywhere your journey takes you! Our stretch 2mm cord can be tied to the size you desire and is stretchable to get on and off.

Available horizontal plate: BREATHE, BELIEVE, STRENGTH & COURAGE

Available circle plate: HOPE, DREAM, LIVE & INSPIRE

Our bracelet is available in black or pink and is a wonderful reminder to stay inspired. The bracelet makes a great gift for someone training for a race or a little reminder to stay motivated. See our entire selection of inspirational jewelry under SPIRIT.

Our products give people that โ€œrace shirt or medalโ€ feel and achievement that you can wear everyday! At a glance you can have the motivation you need, and inspire others with your achievement.

Circle Plate: Diameter 21.21 mm (0.835 in) Pendant โ€“ Thickness 1.95 mm (0.077 in) (size of a US nickel)

Horizontal Plate: Length 3.740cm x Width 1.155cm (1.472in x 0.454in) Thickness 1.95 mm (0.077 in) (Dimensions are approximate). 2mm stretchy cord rope.

Check out our other Inspirational Athlete Inspired items.

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